Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Approach to Painting

A few nights ago, I was staring at my paintings and wondering where they were going and how they came to be. I saw that I am approaching it differently than I had years before. The previous progression involved a base layer of color and then continually add more detail; however, I currently add "layers" on top of one another and see how the interrelate. In short, I am painting in the manner of how I would execute a screen print which involves layers of colors, patters, and textures on top of one another. The process is not the most gratifying or satisfactory till it is "complete." Unlike a screen print, I do not have a "finished" vision of what my paintings will become. I let the rhythm of each new layer take me to the next. This new approach is probably due to my inability to screen print and subconsciously trying to find a way to bring it out via another medium.